03 9418 9929 enquiries@ceh.org.au

Who Created This Course?

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health has developed this course.

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health has developed this course to help reach our goal to create equal access to services for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We’ve been working this way for nearly twenty five years and offer a range of services (including training).

Learn more about the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health

Siri Gunawardana

Siri has over 15 years of experience in migrant and refugee settlement, training and health promotion. Siri holds a Masters in Public Health, a Bachelor of Arts-Community Development, and Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training.

Jolyon Burford

Jolyon works with clients to create targeted training outcomes and develops and delivers CEH’s face to face and online training. Jolyon has worked with the community and education sectors for over 15 years. Jolyon has a Bachelor of Social Science, Diploma of Education and a Cert. IV in Training and assessment.

Spase Veljanovski

Spase has over 20 years experience in access and equity work and language services in mental health, local government and community health. He has experience in project management, research, evaluation and has previously managed a team in a community health centre. Spase has expertise in language services, organisational cultural competence and health literacy. He is a trainer and project worker in all these areas. Spase has a Bachelor of Arts (Multicultural Studies), Master of Public Health and Certificate IV, Training & Assessment.



Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH)

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health has been working with organisations and people from refugee and migrant communities directly since 1994. Our thinking combines practical knowledge from this work with our community with research projects we have initiated and further research.